Here are my photos for January.
A scarf that I knitted a few years ago 2
In season
Frost, but there hasn't been much of this around this WinterIn my bathroom
Actually this was only temporary whilst I was tidying somewhere elseInformation
This is a sundial at New Mills. It was difficult getting all of the stones in the photo and being able to read the sign as wellCompany
This isn't as companionable as it looks. That's our cat Spaghetti on the left, and on the right is the cat from down the road, who for want of a better name I call Gingernuts. He spends hours asleep in our shed while Spaghetti is out doing her own thing. She barely tolerates him and ignores him if he goes near her, so I was really surprised last week to find her sat at the side of him.Warning
The odd numbers on dominoesIn the distance
This is in Stalybridge and has two plaques on it. One about the first General Strike in 1842 which originated here, and one for Joseph Rayner Stephens who campaigned for factory reforms. I thought it was a specially built monument, but it is in fact all that is left of the old Town Hall which was built in 1831 and demolished in 1989.
It's just that one piece of wall standing there on it's own!
You can see other entries for the scavenger hunt over on Postcards from the P.P. Kathy will also be putting up the list for February if you want to join in.