I forgot February was such a short month and have been scrabbling round at the last minute to get some of these
There's a combine 'graveyard' on a local farm where there are scores of old combines. Here's a few red ones that were grouped together
A Kiss
Something Heart Shaped
A 'walking the way to health' figure on a public footpath sign
Something Found Nowhere Else
Every gravestone is going to be unique by it's very nature
I played my trump card last month with the frozen milk which would have been ideal for this, so I'm using these icicles instead
Park Bench
I thought a stained glass window would be nice, but the church was never open when I passed, so decided to take a photo of the leaded glass window instead. Imagine my surprise when I got up close, and could see through the window to the stained glass one on the other side of the building with the sun shining through (you'll probably have to click on this to see it properly)
Shopping Trolley
I'm clutching at straws a bit here, but before my daughter started to drive she thought this road sign was warning about runaway shopping trolleys (in fact she still insists it looks like that, but I can't see it myself)
A Shadow
A Bus
Parked outside Gainsborough Old Hall
Thanks to Greenthumb from Made with Love for organising the scavenger hunt. You can see more entries here